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Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Old Results, More New Tests

09/13/16 - Finally touched base with my doctor's office about the  final pathology report from when my uterine fibroid was removed 11 years ago.  Good news, it does state no malignancies were found.  Note the plural tense there. Turns out I had NUMEROUS fibroids, whereas I was originally lead to believe it was just one big grapefruit sized one!  The largest one, however, was 17cm on its largest dimension, and all the tumours together along side my uterus were 27cm.  I also found out the technical name of all my fibroids - leiomyomata. So, of course, off to Google I go to see what it has to say about it.  It's nice to know the proper name of all these years.  Never knew enough to even think of asking for this kind of info back then.  

Still on the topic of my family doctor, after my last visit, I mentioned the recent discovery that sarcoma patients may have genes for other types of cancers that are known to be genetically passed on that make us more susceptible to sarcoma.  Particularly, researchers are starting to believe that those with the colon cancer & breast cancer gene may be at increased risk of sarcoma & vise versa.  So, although they haven't been able to find a sarcoma specific gene, they have noticed sarcoma patients are more likely to have genes for these other cancers.  Well, guess what?  My grandma & great grandma on my mom's side both died of colon cancer.  With that in mind, I wanted to know if we should start screening me early for colon cancer, since my grandma was only 52 when she died.  So, here we go, another test to add into the mix. Ugh...  Not looking forward to that one!  Good thing I've had an epidural before & know they work on me!!!  I'm on a waiting list for that, though, so no idea when that test will be.  Watch, they'll try to schedule the colonoscopy during my Placebo trip again, ppphhhht. Can you say RESCHEDULE!  :p

Well, that's about it till I get the results of today's ultrasound & x-Ray on my shoulder.  I will report back in a week or so once I have those results.  Never thought I'd ever be saying this, but here's hoping it's only arthritis or tendonitis!

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